Renaming the third and final book in the Eulidean Chronicles

Originally, the third book in The Eulidean Chronicles was to be titled The Dökkáarheim Gateway, the name for the realm of dwarves. But as I was making my way through the book (I am a pantser, meaning I write by the seat of my pants), I realized I could tie up the third book as the final book, so still holding it to the trilogy concept. I was concerned it was turning into a four-book trilogy (thank you Douglas Adams for that), but things are moving well (I’m 70,000 words approx into it, hope to finish it this summer). And so because it is the final book, naming it after the realm of dwarves didn’t feel right, and so I will be naming the third and final book in the trilogy The Vanaheim Gateway after the realm of the old Northern gods as that feels more final and fitting.

Posted in The Aelfheim Gateway.

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