Read The Aelfheim Gateway for FREE during month of July, 2016

On Smashwords, for a limited time only, use the code SFREE at checkout to get The Aelfheim Gateway for free! Offer good only until July 31, 2016. Hurry and get your free copy today!

And once you’re done read the next book in the Eulidean Chronicles series, The Jötunheim Gateway, available on Amazon and Smashwords!

About The Aelfheim Gateway

Long ago, the elves rose up in anger against the people of Midheim. But they were defeated and banished behind the Aelfheim Gateway.

Ages later, in a great battle, the realm of Vanaheim fell. And yet, unaffected, the Norns continued to weave the Tapestry and the wyrm continued to gnaw at the roots of the World Tree that bound all realms together.

Banishment, however, only fueled the anger of the elves. And so they waited patiently, waiting for the prophesied Eulidean to be born. Because then they would bind her to their cause, and when she came into her full magical power, she would destroy any and all of the elves’ enemies who dared stand in their way.

Now, the old Northern gods of Vanaheim were wise, and they knew that one day, one day soon, the elves would return and would return with such a fury and such a hatred as to be blind in their vengeance. And so before Vanaheim fell, the old gods planned for that day as on that day they would need heroes to rise up and battle the elves once again.

This is the story of those heroes and their adventure.



Renaming the third and final book in the Eulidean Chronicles

Originally, the third book in The Eulidean Chronicles was to be titled The Dökkáarheim Gateway, the name for the realm of dwarves. But as I was making my way through the book (I am a pantser, meaning I write by the seat of my pants), I realized I could tie up the third book as the final book, so still holding it to the trilogy concept. I was concerned it was turning into a four-book trilogy (thank you Douglas Adams for that), but things are moving well (I’m 70,000 words approx into it, hope to finish it this summer). And so because it is the final book, naming it after the realm of dwarves didn’t feel right, and so I will be naming the third and final book in the trilogy The Vanaheim Gateway after the realm of the old Northern gods as that feels more final and fitting.

Bought Jonathan Moeller, bought James Elrick

Amazon has a feature on the Author page where they list authors customers have also purchased. It’s a small variation on its Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought list where they include the books, just in this case they only list the author.

Now why I am pleased to see that customers are buying my book and are also buying Jonathan Moeller’s books is that I am a big admirer of both his books and blog.

I discovered his blog years ago when I started writing my own epic fantasy book (The Aelfheim Gateway) and was doing some Google research. I was looking for more information about how to publish an ebook, and came across his article on just that. So now of course I have his blog bookmarked and check it on a semi-regular basis as he is one of those bloggers who blogs often (another reason to admire the guy).

Want to self publish your books in any format (e-book, paperback)? Read Jonathon Moeller’s blog

Jonathon is a huge fan of self-publishing and speaks from experience in that he did have a traditional publisher at one point, but was not impressed.

And now that he has been self publishing for five years (his writing output and speed is nothing short of phenomenal), his blog offers loads of advice on all sorts of important information for would be author publishers.

Honestly, check out his blog, go through his inventory of years of articles, as it will be well worth your time if you want to self publish.

And he’s a fan or Robert E. Howard (the creator of Conan), so what’s not to like 😉

So if you like Jonathon Moeller’s books, check out mine!




The Aelfheim Gateway: Book Overview

Just in case you haven’t seen it, here’s the overview for my first book, The Aelfheim Gateway:

The realms of dwarves and frost giants sleep, forgotten. But not so the realm of elves. Banished to Aelfheim, the elves never forgave or forgot the humiliation inflicted on their realm by the old Northern Gods and the magicians of Midheim. And so the elves wait behind the Aelfheim gateway, sharpening their blades and polishing their hatred.

But this history of past wrongs is not known to three young blacksmith apprentices: Farling, Grum, and Arastead. They just want to work in a forge and are keen to go on some adventures to make some extra money. So when the Trondheim merchants guild posts a job with a substantial reward, Farling and his friends agree to take it on.

And if they succeed, they will gain the attention of the master of the thieves guild and others of ill repute. And when people turn up dead with a black handprint on their chests, Farling and his friends quickly realize that dark forces are massing on the other side of the Aelfheim Gateway and that the elves want to open the ancient door and destroy everything and everyone.

THE AELFHEIM GATEWAY is a fantasy epic adventure about high-born kings, beautiful queens, restless barons, secretive thieves, dedicated knights, and young heroes.

Ideal for young adults and adults who enjoy action-packed page turners.

NOW AVAILABLE! Read the second book in the series: THE JÖTUNHEIM GATEWAY!





A short excerpt from The Dökkáarheim Gateway

I’m about 55,000 words in to the third book (and hopefully the final) of the Eulidean Chronicles. Below is the Prologue for the The Dökkáarheim Gateway:


The young assassin hurried down the hall, balancing a tray of food and coffee. In a few moments, he found the room he was looking for and entered.

“Just leave it on the table,” said his master.

The young assassin, trained to always obey, did as he was asked, bowed, and left.

The master, stooped from age, walked over to the table, put a few cubes of sugar into a cup of coffee, stirred, then took a sip.

“I always find I do not function well without my first cup of coffee.”

The three assassins in attendance chuckled obligingly.

“Now, what does everyone have to report about our mark?”

He took another sip of his coffee as the other assassins prepared theirs.

“This one has discovered that she has her own room, separate from King Frederick’s,” said one of the assassins. “It is located on the third floor of Castle Trondheim. She used to only have one guard in front of her room, but due to recent events, there are now several posted outside her door. Guards are posted at critical junctions in the halls.”

The master took another sip of his coffee and bit a cookie.

“What are her movements during the day?” he asked.

The next assassin spoke: “This one has discovered that she oversees much of the castle’s operations and finances, so there are many meetings over the course of a week dedicated to that purpose. When she does leave the castle, it is always with several guards. Her favorite stores to visit are her dressmaker and cobbler.”

The master nodded.

“What of the company she keeps? Is there anyone of whom we need be wary?”

The third assassin spoke: “This one reports that there is an unusual camaraderie between her and several blacksmiths, the Paupers Temple priest, a princess from Aarlund, a druid from Aarlund, Trondheim thieves, and the Dennland royal family. The Aarlund princess and Queen Sif are especially close as it appears the princess has exceptional healing abilities.”

“Does this have anything to do with the activity we have detected about the wyrm and the World Tree?”

“This one suspects it does as there has been a great deal of activity out at Freela’s abandoned temple out in the forest close to Trondheim. This one believes the old Northern gods are returning and many of the realms are reopening. This affects the wyrm and the Tree.”

“What realms are you talking about?” asked the master.

“This one follows the whispers and rumors that mention Aelfheim, Jötunheim, and Dökkáarheim.”

“The elves, the frost giants, and the dwarves.” The master dipped his cookie in his coffee and then popped the soaked cookie in his mouth.

“This one agrees, master.”

“Only those realms, no others?”

“This one agrees, master.”

“A fascinating time to be alive. It makes sense the wyrm and the World Tree are stronger than ever, exerting their power over the realms, because of the Eulidean. Other realms are awakening, as are some of the old Northern gods who lived through the Great Battle. The Norns must be busy with the tapestry. What then are your recommendations on the Eulidean’s assassination?”

“This one believes we should summon a demon. This one believes the demon would overpower any and all resistance, resulting in the killing of the mother of the Eulidean.”

“A wise suggestion,” said the master. “Other ideas?”

“This one believes conjuring a demon to do our work for us will result in failure,” said the second assassin. “This one prefers poison. This one believes the mother of the Eulidean’s newest dress should be covered in poison so that when she wears it, the poison will be absorbed through her skin, killing her.”

“A wise suggestion,” said the master. “Other ideas?”

“This one believes the demon and the poison will result in failure,” said the third assassin. “This one believes it should be a single assassin attack, a leap from behind the curtains with a dagger, and the mother of the Eulidean will be dead.”

“Another wise suggestion,” said the master, “but all I have heard will end in failure.”

The assassins grimaced.

“Instead of your suggestions, we will mount a full assault to kill the mother of the Eulidean.”

“This one does not think that wise,” said the first assassin. “A demon will test the defenses of the queen. And if the demon is successful, we are successful. And if the demon fails, no one will know it was our guild.”

“We have been training for this occasion for years,” said the master. “We will succeed where a demon would fail.”

“This one agrees with his master,” said the first assassin. The other assassins murmured their agreement.

“Good,” said the master, “because we will continue tracking her movements and we will wait for the ideal moment.”

“This one believes we cannot wait too long,” said the third assassin.

“Agreed,” said the master. “We will not wait long. We attack before the next full moon.”


Read the first book in the series: The Aelfheim Gateway

Read the second book in the series: The Jötunheim Gateway


Michael Moorcock: Great article on the Guardian website

I would have to say that as a teenager, I had an interest in the fantasy novels by Michael Moorcock as one of his tragic heroes was named Elric, close to my last name, just missing the letter “k”. (In a similar vein, I thoroughly enjoy the Fullmetal Alchemist stories and get a similar kick that the main characters, two brothers, have the last name Elric.)

It also didn’t hurt that Moorcock’s fantasy novels were well written and so I thoroughly enjoyed reading them. His books were a welcome departure from the stories of JRR Tolkien as Moorcock’s characters were darker and the heroes themselves did questionable deeds in their quest for survival and power: something to which a teenager can relate.

I recently purchased some used, musty Moorcock books. These included:

  • The Sleeping Sorceress
  • The Jewel in the Skull
  • The Sailor on the Seas of Fate
  • The Bull and the Spear

The book covers are quite funny as they reflect the psychedelic times of the 70’s. But the stories themselves are not the current, boring introspective-type books I find are currently published, where we always seem to be inside the head of someone and hear all their thoughts. No, the stories in these books race at breakneck speed: stuff happens, and the stuff that does happen involves magic, alternate planes of existence, alternate existences, demons, and magic, loads of magic. All great stuff.

And so when the Guardian published a recent article about him, there was a linked article published in 2011 of an interview between Moorcock and Hari Kunzru. It’s a great read and sheds light on Moorcock, especially his writing habits, all fascinating. Here’s the link:

But here’s the thing: When I visit a bookstore like Chapters in Canada or Barnes and Nobles in the States, I can never find any of Moorcock’s fantasy books. I know it is because the bookstores only stock current authors, and want to push only recently published books. But it still seems a shame to me that it is in some ways it is denying young readers, like I was once, the opportunity to read some of the classic fantasy novels, the groundbreaking sword and sorcery stories.

I guess that kids nowadays need to be in the know, just need to be more of a fantasy nerd and know the history of swords and sorcery.  Because when you read GRR Martin, you can appreciate his novels, because I can bet you dollars to donuts, he read Moorcock’s books.

And here’s a link to the Guardian website with all sorts of articles about Moorcock, going back several years:

Enjoy 🙂

Thanks mom!

Well, if your mom doesn’t like your book, then who does 😉

Here’s her review:A book hard to put down….I found “The Aelfheim Gateway: Book One: The Euildean Chronicles” exciting with many levels of meaning. It was hard to put down once I began reading it. . Also I liked that it is set in Trondheim. Not many stories are. In the interest of full disclosure, James Elrick is my son. I look forward to Book Two: The Eulidean Chronicles.

Did you find my books interesting? Then write a review, I would genuinely be interested in hearing from you 🙂

Buy the paperback from Amazon, get the Kindle version for free!

So I signed up my paperbacks (The Aelfheim Gateway, The Jötunheim Gateway) on Amazon to the kindlematchbook program.  Makes sense to me that if you purchase the paperback, you can get the electronic version for free. That way, if you want to switch reading between the paperback and the Kindle, now you can for the price of the paperback!

And looks like if you’ve already purchased my paperback on Amazon, you’re still eligible for the free Kindle version.

Purchase the paperbacks now and receive the Kindle versions for free!


The Jötunheim Gateway up on Goodreads

Good news, the The Jötunheim Gateway, the second book in The Euldiean Chronicles, is available up on the Goodreads.

Here’s the overview:

“It is a time of cruel frost giants, dark elves, mystical ogre mages, wicked were-beasts, disgruntled dwarves, prophesized Eulideans, and gateways to other realms.

Frost giants and dark elves threaten Midheim.

Armed with weapons of magic, Farling and his friends find themselves battling ancient foes as they seek to prevent their realm from harm.

While the giant wyrm gnaws at the roots of the World Tree, maintaining a balance between chaos and order, many enemies of Midheim seek to tip the balance of power in their favor.

In a strange twist of fate, Farling and his friends unexpectedly find themselves being trained how to fight monsters by an Ogre Mage.

But is the ogre a friend or merely a minion for the dark elves?

With their enemies many, their friends few, Farling and his friends must use all their wits and skills as they strive to save their realm from harm and protect the prophesized Eulidean from capture.”

Available for sale on Amazon and Smashwords.