Review: The Aelfheim Gateway*

I originally named the first book in The Eulidean Chronicles: The King’s Widow. But after several months of reflection, and trying to decide a theme for naming the books in the trilogy, I decided to rename the book to The Aelfheim Gateway. I felt my original title indicated more romance than fantasy. Also, even though I thought I had done due diligence and that there was no other book named The King’s Widow, I discovered there was a book on with an identical title. So for those two reasons, I renamed the book.

But, while The King’s Widow was available on, it received one favorable review, which has since been removed when I retitled the book as it had to go up on Amazon as a new entry.

Here is the review in its entirety:

Four out of five stars

The Prologue to the book grabs you, and the adventure runs from there. The author has shared a world filled with characters we think we are familiar with, both mortal and magical, and added great new characters from the realm of his imagination. There is good and evil, but who is who? Weaving a background of mythology and legend into the lives and history of the characters keeps the adventure interesting as it is played out in this new world. Enjoyed reading it and would read more.

Purchase The Aelfheim Gateway on,, or Smashwords.

* Formerly titled The King’s Widow


Posted in The Aelfheim Gateway.

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