Small lawn mower and nails

This was a commission piece I did a couple years ago. A friend wanted to give her husband one of my artworks, knowing he was a fan. I suggested a small lawnmower piece, and she thought that was a wonderful idea. Only one problem: I had no small lawnmower. There was a store in the Ottawa Market that sold doll furniture and I had purchased a small lawnmower there. But the store had closed. An online search revealed a distributor in some small town in Ontario. After a  few emails, a couple phone calls (I don’t think he believed that’s what I wanted, and that’s all I wanted), and a signed cheque, a few weeks later I recevied the lawnmower in the mail.

What I like about this lawnmower is that it has a small bag at the front where the trimmings go, in this case cut nails. The piece is approx 4 x 6 inches.

I borrowed this piece to take some photographs as I’d forgotten to take some before I delivered it. After returning it after a couple days (weeks), my friends were very happy to have it back. They said the wall just felt really naked and lonely without it.

Posted in Artwork.

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